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For over 30 years the Stafford Country Club has sponsored a fundraiser golf tournament to support United Memorial Medical Center (UMMC). Dr Nicholas Loffredo elected to host the event to continue on this long standing tradition.
Dr Loffredo formed the North Pole Charity which is a non for profit charity. The North Pole Charity will donate the proceeds of this golf tournament to support UMMC in its mission to promote, enhance, and restore health to the people of our community and continue to offer top quality health care to its patients.
Register online or by mail for the Fundraiser Stafford Golf Tournament.
To register online, first click on the Register Now button then complete the registration form/RSVP and submit. The registration form/RSVP includes information of the individuals on your team and select which games your team wishes to participate. If you choose to become a Sponsor do not select any of the games or golf tee sponsor check boxes as those are included in those Sponsorships. After completing the registration form/RSVP and selecting submit, then click on the Donate button to make your payment. The Donate button will allow you to pay, by credit/debit card or paypal account, for your golf tournament registration fee.
To register by mail click on the envelope link/icon to download the golf brochure. Then complete the brochure and mail to the address listed with check payable to: North Pole Charity.
Golf Tournament Details
Registration 11:00 am / Shot Gun Start 12:00 pm / Dinner & Awards to Follow 5:30 pm
Individual player packages include lunch, golf, cart, and dinner. Individual player registration fee is $200.00. The golf tournament is 18 holes with a cart in scramble format. Foursomes, threesomes, and twosomes are welcome to register to play as a team.
Team games are longest drive, closest to the hole, and money ball. Money ball is a game in which a signed golf ball must be hit by one player on the team at each shot location throughout the 18 holes and not lost. The money ball is turned into myself at the completion of the round and entered into a ball raffle for a prize.